Irritating people in the office. They are all getting to my nerves... PIKACHUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why are they all so mother *peh* *toot* *eeeehorrr* irritating!!! My blood pressure is rising drastically. SHIT!!! how can i stop it!!!! THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *KicK* *FallS* *ArgH* Would you all just DIE please? Its very irritating!!!! YEAOWWWWWW *ROAR*
♥ 21:54
I just can't find the right words to explain myself. I feel really unfair and i want justice to be served.. Do I sound like the justice league? Awe man! Tired and down!
♥ 09:26
I wanna post something today but look at the time. Will remember to post it tomorrow. Its something about dads especially my dad!
♥ 05:04
This is my newest newest masterpiece. Much easier to do cause there are more text than graphics but those small logos took me a long time to get them done. That shows that size does matter!
♥ 11:40