A sudden urge to blog and what a perfect time to blog. Infact I've been wanting to blog ever since the start of last week. Well what made me blog today was what happened just now in the evening. I was at church and we had a great time praising and worshipping God. The message was preached and I really felt the word hitting me hard. I have to start making this change in me and it's about time to reach out to those who haven't know who was the one who changed me from the inside out.
I'm being blessed in this comfortable environment where I can serve & sing praises to Him freely but what we don't see is that people are dying just because they acknowledge Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. People are being thrown into prisons just because of holding a bible in their hands. They are being executed for singing praises to Him. Do we even take time to think about these people? I'm lost for words currently..
This post has currently taken me 5hrs to get here. I'm currently having a mind blockage. There are so many things on my mind right now. I don't have a clue where do I place them? Do I rant them all out on this post? If I were to do so, I'll probably take afew more hours. I seriously don't have the time to finish this post.
♥ 02:45
While my brother tries on T shirts that are way too big for me, i shall blog on his behalf. I assume he hasn't been updating much? Lol. And i also assume that he misses me bucket loads cause i've been at camp. But sadly, that's not the case cause he just gave me the evil laugh after offering me a bottle of Yakult and evily pulling it back and stuck out his tongue. *Everyone goes boo cause Nick is back with his boring posts.* *Nick just tickled my armpit... So much for giving him my t shirts :(*
Nic is back and what in the world is my sister up to? I know she's been outstation for a really long time and yea I kinda miss her.. But what is tickled my armpits? I wouldn't wanna stuck my fingers under her sweaty armpits..
Firstly, what made me wanna blog today started this morning. While reading my bible, a few passages caught my attention. It is all found in
Proverbs 20:13.. It actually showed me that sleeping too much isn't good.
Anyway.. its time for me to get off the comp and sleep
Now playing:
Hillsong United - Solutionvia FoxyTunes
♥ 01:27