This post is mainly to reflect on myself. What am I doing this for? Even before wanting to blog about this, my mind is full of things that are circling around and it's really annoying to let all these thinking do its thinking by itself. I know that thinking can be controlled if I were to put in effort. I'm sorry to hurt the people around me and I think I've not fulfilled my duty as what I am. In the first place, who am I? My duty as a son is to be a son to my parents. I seriously don't think that I'm a good son. I really want to change my lifestyle and myself. There are afew attempts to type out some words that aren't nice at all but I choose not to as it'll affect the people around me more.
Like what people always say, Talk Is Cheap Where Is The Action and When Are They Coming? Talk is really cheap. You don't have to do anything but just to open your dirty filthy mouth and something comes out. I stated dirty filthy mouth is cause most of the people around me have really smelly mouth. Once they open them, negative words and wrong usage of vocabulary will always be pleasing to the ears of the world. Well not all of us have dirty filthy mouth but I'm just stating the majority. I wouldn't want to be part of the world as they contributes nothing but damage to what God has promised. I do want to see a change in everything around. And I really meant everything. I don't expect everything to change as well but I want to see that majority will be changed.
Can't carry on with this post any longer. I'm tiring myself out like working a slave. Sigh
♥ 06:36
First 10 days of the new year has been really rush.. There are so much things to blog about and I can't find a starting line. To summarize on what happened,
I fell sick in the first week of school,
I was late for school too,
I got both of my road bikes fixed,
Gave my bike to Benn,
Went night cycling too,
Taking business management this semester,
School is basically getting better & better,
Celebrated Daniel's 24th Birthday.
Clean out my room/ Springcleaning.
So basically this was what I did during the first 10 days of the new year. I'm sorry but I think that this was a pretty boring post.
♥ 23:43